
  • Don’t!

    My department here at Tufts is hosting a big linguistics/psychology conference this weekend that everybody is going crazy organizing and getting ready for. I’m not really doing that much though, […]

  • Links anyone?

    Life’s been good lately. After being a bit debilitated from my hip surgery, I’m now starting to walk short distances again, though the crutches will be with me for a […]

  • Review: The Language of Comics by Mario Saraceni

    Saraceni, Mario. 2003. The Language of Comics. New York, NY: Routeledge. Saraceni’s The Language of Comics is one of the few books that attempts to present a holistic theory of […]

  • More on Imitation in Drawing

    Brent Wilson and Marjorie Wilson have done a lot of great work on child drawing that has influenced my thinking, especially since they take comics and manga into account a […]

  • Art ‘n’ stuff

    Apparently, I’ve inspired Nathan Sandler enough that he devoted his inaugural blog posts to critiquing my thoughts on Art vs. Language. I’m flattered that he’s spent the time to write […]

  • Point perspective

    Austin Kleon has a nice little post about point perspective in comics, noting his like of artists who don’t use it at all (link via Derik). The preference for point […]

  • All new look, same great taste!

    Today marks five full years that has been online. That’s quite a span for me, covering four states, three bodies of water (2 oceans, 1 lake), and three universities. […]

  • Burnt City bowl

    Apparently the 5,000 year old bowl with a graphic sequence that was unearthed from the Burnt City is now going to be on display in Tehran. I love examples like […]

  • Remedial Comics

    Poking around I found the Remedial Comics blog that does some theorizing about comics. It has some notable thoughts on what’s necessary for “all ages” comics, as well as some […]

  • Various concerns

    Yesterday I had arthoscopic surgery to remove a tear in the cartilidge of my hip, so I’m currently spending most of my time laid up on the couch (with the […]