
  • Coercion… of meaning!

    Today I gave my big first year project presentation to the psychology department. From what everyone has said, it went very well. Of course, the project itself is still underway, […]

  • 16 panels that are Still Conventional whether you think they work or not

    I neglected posting this ealier in the week, but John Morris has a parody/homage to Wally Wood’s 22 Panels that always work over at Comixpedia entitled 16 Panels That I […]

  • Reviews coming soon (hopefully)

    I recently got Endnote for my computer, a program that manages citations and automatically generates bibliographies (a dream program for someone like me who writes a gazillion essays). I had […]

  • Character Design for Graphic Novels

    An excerpt from my drawn Comixpedia article along with some quotes from your’s truly appear in the new book Character Design for Graphic Novels, written by Steven Withrow and Alexander […]

  • Fun with framing

    Today’s xkcd makes great use of the recursive framing that I discussed in my latest Comixpedia article. I have no idea if Randall read the article, but I wouldn’t put […]

  • Visual Fluency… aka “Pissing off Writers”

    There’s a been a little hullabaloo lately about Jesse Hamm’s recent blog post on “Why Comic Book Writers Oughta Mind Their Own Business,” and the Mark Waid reply. Attitudes displayed […]

  • Speaking fun

    As I mentioned in a previous post, I’m going to be speaking next week at the Popular Cultural Association National Conference here in Boston next week. If you’re interested in […]

  • You’re a good grammatical construction, Charlie Brown

    I’ve recently been thinking quite a lot about how best to start testing my theories of visual language grammar. Since I’m in a psychology program, I’ve got to actually think […]

  • New Article: Loopy Framing

    At long last, I have a new article up at Comixpedia called “Loopy Framing”! This one tackles the similarities between word balloons, thought bubbles, and panels, arguing that they are […]

  • When the going gets tough…

    I am not too proud to say it: First-year statistics is kicking my butt. And, occasionally, driving me insane. Seriously. Sometimes I dream in excel spreadsheets. So, for my spring […]