
  • Huh?

    Every now and then I come across people who really resist the sort of work I’m doing. They dislike the idea of academic investigation of “comics,” as if it somehow […]

  • I’m a winner!

    Apparently, I’ve won an award. I just got an email saying that my “paper, The Grammar of Comics, was selected as the winner of the M. Thomas Inge Award for […]

  • Blindfolded patterns

    Dirk links to this interesting post where cartoonists were asked to draw their characters blindfolded (versions on the right). This Chester Gould one is pretty impressive… What’s interesting to note […]

  • Essay in The Public Journal of Semiotics

    Way back in January, I had a piece published in the innaugural issue of the online Public Journal of Semiotics, yet kept forgetting to post about it. The essay there […]

  • Yowza!

    As I’ve probably mentioned before, I’m currently building a corpus of comics to be used in research related projects. I’ve had some donations from companies already, and Dark Horse just […]

  • Comics definitions and distribution

    A friend of mine and I were talking about comic distribution and some interesting points came up, including how McCloud’s definition of “comics” might actually hurt the growth of the […]

  • Abstraction

    Dirk links to this blog post with a scanlation of the manga “Abstraction” by Shintaro Kago. It’s a pretty incredible formalist experiment, and definitely worth checking out. (beware…it’s a bit […]

  • I’ll show you my paradigm if you show me yours

    I’m shocked at the response that my quote in yesterday’s ¡Journalista! (thanks Dirk!) has generated. Is it really so hard to believe there’s a separation between the structure of a […]

  • Photo Technology

    This is pretty amazing new technology for photos that aggregates the information in many photos to create virtual environments, not to mention a pretty impressive navigational tool for photos and […]

  • ImageText Vol. 3

    The latest issue of the online journal ImageText just came out with a couple articles of note (to my tastes): The first one examines the role of comics in education, […]