
  • A Time Sex Thing!

    In response to this Language Log post, my best friend John sends along this wacky revamped movie poster: As he put it “A google image search for ‘pulp sci-fi novel’ […]

  • Perhaps I should avoid the slopes…

    After the conference in New Mexico let out, a bunch of us went on an excursion to the top of a mountain that overlooks Albuqurque. At the top, we found […]

  • Biblio clean up

    Just some housecleaning to report… I’ve updated the Reference Bibliography with some long-overdue entries that have been building up for quite awhile. I’ve also added a whole page listing all […]

  • VaIL ’07

    I recently got back from my keynote talk at the Visual and Iconic Languages conference at the University of New Mexico. The conference went very well, and a lot of […]

  • Thought Bubbles, Children, and Autism

    These are several articles I found particularly interesting looking at the understanding of thought bubbles, and using them to help autistic children. Wellman, H. M., Hollander, M., & Schult, C. […]

  • The Art Perspective

    A friend of mine got an advanced copy of a book on comics that will be coming out this summer. I’d prefer not to identify it by name here, but […]

  • Comic-Con Report ’07

    As ever, I had a great time at Comic-Con this year, seeing lots of friends and giving a few talks. My convention floor highlights were pretty subdued I think, as […]

  • Pre-literate understanding of speech balloons

    Yannicopoulou, A. (2004). Visual Aspects of Written Texts: Preschoolers View Comics. L1- Educational Studies in Language and Literature, 4, 169-181. This study assessed preschool aged children’s ability to understand various […]

  • Blasphemy!

    As I’ve mentioned before, I’m currently designing a series of experiments that will use Peanuts strips for stimuli (kindly donated by Fantagraphics). Lately, I’ve been doing the arduous process of […]

  • Talk talk talk… at ComicCon ’07

    Just like every year, I’ll be talking next week at ComicCon. This year I’ve got two appearances lined up (with a booksigning on Friday): Thursday– 10:30-11:30 Comics Arts Conference Session […]