
  • Status report

    School is back in full swing, which means my time to devote to other projects (like blogging) has received a decimating blast. I’m still planning to post my research project […]

  • “Comics” needs less nouns and more adjectives

    In the comments of a previous post, I started riffing about the different uses of the terms “graphic novel” and “comics”, and what might be a better terminology. It seems […]

  • Video of Ray Jackendoff

    It’s not quite topical to the things I usually talk about on this blog, but my advisor recently gave a talk at Google that has now been posted to video: […]

  • ACLU comi… I mean “graphic novel”!

    Apparently the ACLU has an “online graphic novel” titled Defenders of Freedom up at their site. I find their use of wording interesting. The piece itself states, “We are not […]

  • Video: Visual Grammar

    The conference proceedings for the Visual and Iconic Languages Conference from a few weeks ago are now posted online. On the site you can download the slides from my talk, […]

  • Trouble with categories in “Comics are not Literature”

    Listening to the downloadable mp3 of the “Comics are not Literature” panel from Comic-Con is fascinating as a demonstration for how different people’s categories are relating to the definitions of […]

  • Manga facial symbols

    I’ve been putting the finishing touches on my first draft of a book chapter for a textbook on Japanese manga recently. Mainly, the last things I had to do was […]

  • Lessons from manga

    I found an interesting discussion in this thread over The Engine discussing this quote from a PW article: Still, if there’s a manga feel to the books, it’s not an […]

  • Understanding motion lines

    Friedman, Sarah L., and Marguerite B. Stevenson. 1975. Developmental Changes in the Understanding of Implied Motion in Two-dimensional Pictures. Child Development 46:773-778. This paper reports on an experiment testing how […]

  • The Comic Strip and Film Language

    Lacassin, Francis. 1972. The Comic Strip and Film Language. Film Quarterly, 26(1), 11-23. In this piece translated by David Kunzle, French theorist Francis Lacassin discusses the similarities between the “syntax” […]