
  • Big Game Poem, 2007

    Ode to The PlayBy Neil Cohn, November 2007 Hello stanfurd Cardinal, this Big Game is a treatAs it marks the occasion of an incomparable feat. Twenty-five years, we celebrate this […]

  • Projects galore

    Wow, three blog posts in three days, and I’m not even on winter break yet! Lots of stuff has been going on. First off, my buddy Alexander alerts me to […]

  • Reruns: Fight the Comic Aristocracy

    I have a “rerun” of my older article Fight the Comic Aristocracy over at Sequart. It deals with the the “aristocratic” structures that are in the comic industry and the […]

  • Eye-movements reading comic pages

    Omori, Takahide, Taku Ishii, and Keiko Kurata. 2004. Eye catchers in comics: Controlling eye movements in reading pictorial and textual media. In 28th International Congress of Psychology. Beijing, China. A […]

  • Capturing vs. Generating Comics

    A good friend of mine who works for the company that produces Second Life sends over this link about using the Comic Life software with Second Life screenshots. I’ve expressed […]

  • Is this a Comic?

    Patric Lewandowski joins the club of discussing the definition of “comic” with a new column over at Comixtalk. He has yet to mention my split between comics and visual language, […]

  • Graphic non-fiction links galore!

    Wow, all of a sudden I have a ton of great links to share, all about graphic non-fiction. And sometimes you find them in the darndest of places… Last night […]

  • Ambiguous signage in words and pictures

    Things have been crazy busy lately, so blogging has been a bit sparse. However, here’s a few signs I found around the Boston area that struck me as interesting for […]

  • Panoramic Comic

    Via the TalkAboutComics blog comes a link to this very cool comic where the entire story is depicted using successive panoramic viewpoints. It’s a very interesting use of the Infinite […]

  • Visual language in society

    As I’ve mentioned before, I think that the meshing of the notion of “comics” with sequential images (a simple glossing of what I call visual language) actually hurts the perception […]