
  • Coherence-building in comics

    Bridgeman, Teresa. 2004. Keeping an eye on things: attention, tracking, and coherence-building. Belphégor 4 (1). Bridgeman’s article discusses various aspects of coherence-building throughout comics structure — “coherence” being the discourse […]

  • Graphic safety for airplane crashes

    One of the reasons I’ve been a bit MIA from the blog lately is because I’ve been traveling a lot. On one flight, I noticed some interesting things in the […]

  • Odds and Ends

    Between school, conferences, and life, my time has become quite precious lately. A few days ago my BioPsychology professor said that we’ll be dissecting sheep brains in class. That should […]

  • VizThink 08

    I’ve spent the last several days out here in San Francisco at the VizThink Conference where I gave a talk about visual language. There have been a lot of interesting […]

  • Connectedness in comics

    Weber, Heinz J. 1989. Elements of Text-Based and Image-Based Connectedness in Comic Stories, and Some Analogies to Cinema and Written Text. Paper read at Text and Connectedness: Proceedings of the […]

  • Podcast on Visual Language

    Later this month I’ll be giving a talk at the VizThink Conference in San Francisco, so to promote it I did a podcast yesterday. Here’s the original post, though they […]

  • New Year, Old Projects

    Usually when I’m on break, I end up blogging quite a bit. I’m surprised I haven’t been as active online lately. I have, however, been working on several projects… I’m […]

  • Event segmentation in panels

    I’ve been reading up lately on research related to how people segment events and their boundaries, particularly the brain areas associated with their processing through fMRI. In one study, they […]

  • Some Peanuts patterns

    It’s the end of the semester, and as usual things are crazy. I’ve finally got my Peanuts experiment up and running, which means people are coming in to participate. A […]

  • New Essay: Japanese Visual Language

    For the first time in a long while, I’ve got a new essay up for download. This one discusses the visual language that underlies manga, and will be part of […]