
  • Thoughts on Language Evolution

    In my TA class this semester we’ve just entered talking about Language Evolution, and combined with the recent discovery of this blog the topic has been on my mind a […]

  • Art, Language, and “Cognitive Equivalence”

    When I usually speak about the Art versus Language Perspectives, I usually couch it in a view that there are “different potential ways our society treats graphic images.” As I […]

  • Closure’s assumptions

    Patric continues his defining of “comics” with a discussion of “closure.” I’ve talked before about the problems with the idea of closure, but it strikes me that there are a […]

  • Double Standards in Style

    I had an interesting realization the other day about the way people judge the quality of realistic versus cartoony drawing styles. It seems to me that the more someone tries […]

  • America vs. Japan: Brains and Comic/Manga Panels

    Via the TCJ message board, Nathan has pointed to an article in the Boston Globe that discusses the differences in brain activation between “Eastern and Western” perceptual processing. The study […]

  • The Art of Visual Language

    As much as I stress how the Art and Language perspectives/paradigms of viewing graphic communication are opposed to each other, I do think that they can be reconciled. Just to […]

  • The Invisible Middle Ground

    A friend of mine and I had a really interesting discussion the other day about how difficult it is for a reasonable, mediating, middle-ground type of theory to survive in […]

  • Podcast: The Functions of Panels

    The last podcast I did with the VizThink folks was so fun I decided to do another. This one is about the various functional roles that panels play in the […]

  • Definitions of “Comics” and their unimportance

    Derik Badman has a new article up over at Comixtalk about the general trend of defining “comics” and “why we should stop bothering.” This is similar in nature to an […]

  • See Figure WTF!?

    I recently received a French book on comic theory from interlibrary loan that has been decently interesting. While reading it though, I started noticing something very strange. I’d be progressing […]