
  • Visual Linguistics of “Comics” Course

    I am ecstatic to say that I’ve just learned my course for teaching a “Visual Linguistics of ‘Comics’” course next Spring semester ’09 has been approved! This will be the […]

  • Panels as Attention Units

    I stumbled across this article recently about how current theories of perception are similar to what magicians have been exploiting for years. Essentially, the idea is that we can only […]

  • Review: The System of Comics by Thierry Groensteen

    Groensteen, Thierry. 2007. The System of Comics. Translated by B. Beaty and N. Nguyen: University of Mississippi Press. Printer-friendly pdf The best thing about the new translated work The System […]

  • Whatnots

    Blogging has been slow lately for me what with the oncoming start of school next week. I’ve mainly been devoting my time to the set-up of my latest experiment, which, […]

  • Equivalences for “Language”

    In claiming that the graphic form (especially in sequence) is structured as a language, it might help to parse out how to make the analogy reasonably. It’s not as if […]

  • Diversity in Visuals

    At the VaIL conference a few weeks ago, one of the frequent conversations revolved around the issue of creating a universal graphic system. The belief that visuals are universal is […]

  • Vocab gaps

    This interesting and quite fun essay/post reviews the book Reading Comics and ponders the definition of “comics” and some other terminological issues. Its biggest query is ‘what is the word […]

  • Comics, Webdesign, Closure, Cartooning

    A friend of mine sent along a link to this lecture by Andy Clarke about how comics can inform webdesign. Most of the talk is a regurgitation of McCloud’s theories, […]

  • Talk talk talk…

    I’ve been remiss in my reminders this year, but I have a few talks coming up if anyone is around San Diego. The first is another appearance at the Visual […]

  • Fun with Text

    While preparing the Peanut strips for my next project, I came across a fantastic integration of text subtly hidden in this panel: If you look carefully, at the center of […]