
  • The interface of humor and narrative

    This Zippy the Pinhead strip from a week or so cuts to the core of the canonical joke pattern in comic strips: What’s interesting to me about this is the […]

  • Resolutions and some such

    Happy New Year! Bonne Année! 明けましておめでとう! Various fun is brewing out here in visual language land. Given the several requests I’ve been receiving about my upcoming Visual Linguistics of Comics […]

  • Legitimation of “comics”

    Comics scholar Domingos Isabelinho posts a critique of Thierry Gröensteen’s paper on comics’ search for legitimation. Domingos keys in on this quote in particular, so I’ll do the same: “Although […]

  • Status report

    I have, unfortunately, once again been struck by so much work that blogging has fell by the wayside. Thankfully, this is a good thing in many ways, because I have […]

  • Action!

    In discussing this post of mine with Derik, I realized that I should post on the technique I used of substituting a whole panel for an “action star,” like this: […]

  • Continuity across panels

    Derik posts a quote from this article on Narration in Comics that discusses cognitive schema and comics. I’d read the article awhile ago, but seized on this part of the […]

  • The Development of Language

    This related to both sequential images and linguistics, so how could I not post it? Via LanguageLog:

  • For example…

    I’ve been working very hard lately on a few projects and papers that have been occupying a lot of my time and energy. One of them is a write-up of […]

  • Camera angles and meaning

    Kraft, Robert N. 1987. The influence of camera angle on comprehension and retention of pictorial events. Memory and Cognition 15 (4):291-307. Kraft explores the semantic associations made to different camera […]

  • Review: Drawing Words & Writing Pictures

    Drawing Words and Writing Pictures by Matt Madden and Jessica Abel Before I started reading DW&WP, Matt Madden warned me that it was a book for praxis, not theory. As […]