
  • More on the Burnt City Bowl

    Apparently I’ve been getting linked to a lot for my previous post on the Burnt City animation drawing of an illustrated goat jumping along the outside of an earthenware bowl. […]

  • Help my Science!

    If you have roughly 15 minutes to spare, please take my comics related experiment! I am currently working on an a fairly extensive project that I’ve been able to put […]

  • The Pictorial and Linguistic Features of Comic Book Formulas

    Neff, William Albert. 1977. The Pictorial and Linguistic Features of Comic Book Formulas. Doctoral Dissertation, University of Denver, Denver, CO. Neff compares the patterns of formal properties for comics in […]

  • Origins of narrative

    A friend of mine forwarded me this facetious article about the narrative structure in films, which left me thinking about why exactly a consistent structure like the one that is […]

  • “The 99” Panel Discussion

    As I mentioned in my last post, last week I had the pleasure of sitting on a panel discussion here at Tufts with alum Dr. Naif Al-Mutawa, creator and publisher […]

  • I am Tufts University!

    Apparently, someone over at the Tufts website thought my work was interesting enough that they decided to do a feature on me. SO… I am very flattered to report that, […]

  • “Visual literacy”

    The phrase “visual literacy” is one that is often bandied about these days, and has begun to grate on my nerves a bit — if only because it is a […]

  • Anyone speak Croatian?

    For anyone out there that speaks Croatian or just wants to check it out for the sake of novelty, my article “Un-Defining ‘Comics’: Separating the Cultural from the Structural in […]

  • ありがとう!

    Lots of stuff going on round here… First off, thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes yesterday, especially The Comics Reporter. This week marks the first week of school, and […]

  • Elements of Page Layouts

    Belgian graphic design student Chris Vosters sends along this 7-page pdf graphic essay that expands on my paper, Navigating Comics, on how people move through page layouts. Chris does a […]