
  • Consistent reading time for comic pages?

    I had a link sent to me recently asking about this blog post that claims all comic pages regardless of content are read at 3.75 seconds per page. A relevant […]

  • Congrats to my visual linguists!

    I’m very excited to say a big hearty Congratulations to my research assistant Natalie, who graduated today from Tufts. She put in an incredible year’s worth of work in the […]

  • Public Lecture in Toronto, May 14th

    For those of you in the Toronto area, I will be giving the first talk in the Visual Thinking lecture series at the University of Toronto on Thursday, May 14th […]

  • Take my Comic Experiment!

    Hey everybody, I once again have another comics related experiment online and would be extremely grateful for your help! This experiment consists of making judgements about various created comic strips, […]

  • Indexing Events with Panels

    A comment on my review of Magnussen’s piece on semiotics in comics asked me to expand on this part: More interestingly, she claims that the “still-images of actions” are also […]

  • Review: Semiotics and comics

    Magnussen, Anne. (2000). The Semiotics of C.S. Peirce as a Theoretical Framework for the Understanding of Comics. In A. Magnussen & H.-C. Christiansen (Eds.), Comics and Culture: Analytical and Theoretical […]

  • Random Creative Links

    As I’m coming up on Spring Break here at Tufts, all seems well as we (hopefully) transition into Springtime (hopefully — a Californian like me can’t take much more of this […]

  • Faces in comics

    Tan, Ed S. 2001. The Telling Face in Comic Strip and Graphic Novel. In The Graphic Novel, edited by J. Baetens: Leuwen University Press. This study looked at the knowledge […]

  • Tufts Daily Feature

    The Tufts Daily, Tufts University’s student newspaper, has a feature article about me and my work in today’s edition, which is also readable online.

  • Why Do You Make Comics write in visual language, If You Do?

    Over at TalkAboutComics, Joey Manley asks “Why do people draw comics?”, and makes the observation that… A lot of people who read comics also make them. Maybe even most people.…Almost […]