
  • Manga “decompression”

    In Understanding Comics, McCloud made the claim that manga supposedly uses more circuitous storytelling because of the formats of their books. In my paper on Japanese VL, I dismiss this […]

  • Garfield experimentalism

    Apparently we’re upon the 30th anniversary of Jim Davis’ Garfield strip. As a ten year old I was pretty obsessed with the Garfield books, and can probably mark meeting Jim […]

  • Comics and the Brain… almost

    Nagai, Masayoshi, Nobutaka Endo, and Kumada Takatsune. 2007. “Measuring Brain Activities Related to Understanding Using near-Infrared Spectroscopy (Nirs).” In Human Interface and the Management of Information. Methods, Techniques and Tools […]

  • Collaborative drawing

    Last weekend on public television I saw a fantastic biography about Pete Seeger, the influential folk singer and activist. Throughout, Seeger stressed his desire to sing with people, not to […]

  • My “Homopholganger”

    Huzzah! Today is the sixth year this website has been online! If I remember correctly, I posted everything online while the Lakers were in the playoffs about to go to […]

  • Random!… panel sequences that is

    As long as we’re on the topic of comics that people clip out for me, here’s another one that my advisor passed along. For some reason, he’s rather partial to […]

  • Rory Root, we’ll miss you

    I learned to great shock and sorrow this morning that Rory Root, owner and operator of Comic Relief in Berkeley, has passed away. Rory was a phenomenal presence in the […]

  • Split planes

    I haven’t gotten a newspaper at home in years, but every now and then my father sends me clippings of comics or articles. The comic that he seems to send […]

  • On PowerPoint

    I was recently asked by the VizThink people to devote a post to the prompt: PowerPoint: A powerful tool poorly used or a poor tool overused?, so… here goes… I […]

  • CogSci Comics

    I am currently in the refractory period of the semester, enjoying the freedom of summer break starting and the ability to work on all those projects I usually don’t get […]