
  • ComicCon 2010 Reminder

    Just a reminder that my talk at ComicCon, “This is your brain on comics”, will be on Friday from 1-2pm in room 26AB. I’ll be speaking about my recent experiments […]

  • Soo Bahk Do Presequenced sparring, 2010 Nationals

    This isn’t “visual linguistics” related, but this last weekend I competed at the 2010 Soo Bahk Do National Festival. In the advanced ranks division my partner, Master PJ Steyer, and […]

  • Comicon 2010: This is your brain on comics

    The official ComicCon schedule was just released, and it looks like my talk will be Friday 1-2pm, room 26AB. Here’s the official description of the panel: 1:00-2:00 Comics Arts Conference […]

  • Brain damage and comprehension of comics

    Bihrle, Amy M., Hiram H. Brownell, John A. Powelson, and Howard Gardner. 1986. Comprehension of humorous and nonhumorous materials by left and right brain-damaged patients. Brain and Cognition 5:399-411. This […]

  • 2D Drawing: comprehending and producing

    Scott points to this interesting article about the cognition motivating line-drawings. It makes the claim that people with lazy eyes may have a better ability to draw 2D figures because […]

  • 8 years!

    Today, May 31st marks 8 years of! That’s quite the long time for me… I had just graduated college and the Lakers were in the playoffs back then. Funny […]

  • Panels in Japanese vs. American Mainstream/Indie comics

    This semester my student Amaro Taylor-Weiner did a great senior project following up to my cross cultural study comparing Japanese and American comics. He was one of my students in […]

  • Advice for aspiring comic theorists

    I read just about any paper about theories of comics I can get my hands on — some are pretty good, but some leave a lot to be desired. This […]

  • Book Chapter: Manga

    It isn’t entirely a new paper, but my paper “Japanese Visual Language” is now published in the anthology Manga: An Anthology of Global and Cultural Perspectives now out in paperback. […]

  • New essay: The limits of time and transitions

    On the *NEW* publication front: The first issue of the new journal Studies in Comics went online today, and I have a brand spankin’ new article in it. The first […]