
  • Predispositions for drawing

    A recent comment to another blog post raised some interesting issues so I figured I should bump it up to a full discussion here. The basic issue is whether drawing […]

  • Gestures in comics

    A doubleshot of reviews**: Fein, Ofer, & Kasher, Asa (1996). How to do things with words and gestures in comics Journal of Pragmatics, 26 (6), 793-808 DOI: 10.1016/S0378-2166(96)00023-9 This study […]

  • Review: Brain damage and ordering of panels in comic strips

    I recently reviewed an older study of brain damaged individual’s comprehension of final-panel jokes in comic strips. Here’s another paper that explores brain damage and the ordering of panels in […]

  • Back to school…

    School is starting up next week, which means I suddenly have lots more stuff appearing on my plate. I’m still plugging away at my theoretical paper (now at 140 pages […]

  • New Essay: Extra! Extra! Semantics in Comics

    I’m excited to say that I’ve just had another article published. This one is entitled “Extra! Extra! Semantics in Comics!: The conceptual structure of Chicago Tribune advertisements” and appears in […]

  • Reading comics for work

    I admit it, I have a pretty sweet job. Among the paper writing, class teaching, and data gathering (all fun), it is true that at least a portion of my […]

  • Lightbulbs over the head actually do give insight!

    A friend of mine and fellow grad student in the Tufts Psychology Department (Mike Slepian) recently had a paper come out that’s been getting some press lately. Interestingly enough, it […]

  • New Book: Meaning and the Lexicon

    It slipped my mind to post this a few months ago, but my advisor Ray Jackendoff has just a had a new book come out that is worth picking up […]

  • Picasso’s Ghost

    I’ve got some other posts in the works, but in the meantime an old friend of my father’s made this fun video about Picasso, Cezanne, and the inspirations of great […]

  • Comic-Con 2010, PhD Comics Cameo, Facebook

    Today closes another wild and fun ComicCon. My talk seemed to go fairly well (thanks to those who came!), and I greatly enjoyed the discussions with people afterwards. This was […]