
  • New blog address!… roughly same as the old…

    Hey, my blog has now just slightly moved addresses over to: This was one of the previous address, but now it’s the main address along with You will […]

  • Metaphors go boom!

    Derek Kirk Kim uses a fun and common conceptual metaphor in today’s installment of his ongoing series “Praxis & Allies” (which you should be reading). Here, the character’s head explodes […]

  • Defense!

    I’m very excited to say that, after working on this project for 2.5 years, I’ll finally be defending my Master’s project — “Balancing Grammar and Semantics in ‘Comics’: Global Structure […]

  • Updates

    So, I unfortunately haven’t had much an opportunity to blog lately. My apologies to the usual readers! Some updates… I have been working hard at finishing my latest projects, which […]

  • Action Stars and Smoke-veiled fights

    I’ve posted every now and again about a convention in comics that I’ve called “action stars”, where a whole panel is replaced by a star shaped “flash” that essentially represents […]

  • “Defining Comics” video

    Patric Lewandowski offers this video lecture of his attempt to define comics, based on his earlier column from Comixtalk. He covers a lot of ground, meshing numerous memes of comics […]

  • 5 Card Nancy and Panel Transitions

    One of Scott McCloud’s more wacky inventions is the game Five Card Nancy which is based on the old comic strip Nancy. The basic premise of the game is that […]

  • Storycards and visual grammar

    My friend Alex sends along this link to a gift pack of “storycards”. Basically, you can use these cards in sequences to create lots of different novel stories. The idea […]

  • Almost back…

    Okay, one more status update then we’re back to some real posts… My brainwave study has nicely concluded and I’ve now moved on to analyzing the results. Things look fantastic, […]

  • Not MIA!

    Unfortunately blogging has had to take somewhat of a back seat lately, as my workload has been just crazy. At the end of this week I should finish running participants […]