
  • Personality Tribing?

    In several of his latest interviews, talks, and, I assume, upcoming book, Scott has talked about his “Four Tribes” theory that roughly describes different groupings of creative enterprise. His chart […]

  • Codex Boturini

    My old friend John Jacobson passes along this link to the final pages of the Mexica Aztecs’ Codex Boturini which shows some very interesting text/sequential image combinations. It’s definitely worth […]

  • Theory informed tutorials

    Well, now that I’m back online, it looks like this week is just a blogging bonanza!… Scott links to Rivkah’s blog instruction series on Paneling, Pacing, and Layout in Comics […]

  • Just for the kiddies

    This was a final thought that never got posted on the whole “Iconic Bias” kick. I started thinking about the old “Comics are for kids” misperception related to it all. […]

  • La Pluie

    At long last, my Meditations have returned. Here’s the latest called “La Pluie”. The use of French was largely intended for the melancholy mood it gives, and I took into […]

  • Wizard World Chicago Wrap up

    I’m happily unwinding after a long weekend of Wizard World Chicago. I lucked out with a booth next to Jose and Daphne from Dreamweaver Press, which was fun since we […]

  • Pictureless Byrne

    Derik was sent a great series of pages from an old Marvel Alpha Flight issue by John Byrne that uses only words in the panels. I also second his observation […]

  • ComicCon Report (finally)

    Huzzah! My computer has returned. While I was responding to (and purging) a few emails I was astounded to find 520 emails had accumulated across my various addresses. So, if […]

  • Reruns at

    So, after discovering my post about them, the folks over at Sequart have kindly offered to repost some of my essays on the comic industry that initially appeared at Comixpedia […]

  • Wizard World Chicago

    Well, I got back to Chicago yesterday, safe and sound from San Diego. My computer is still in the shop, so I’ll wait to post my Con-report til I can […]