
  • Screwed: The Undeclared War Against the Middle Class

    As long as I’m doing politically oriented posts, I’ve been meaning for a while to plug Thom Hartmann’s new book Screwed: The Undeclared War Against the Middle Class — And […]

  • The Power of Nightmares

    For anyone that is interested in the state of the world today related to American politics and terrorism, I highly recommend watching this BBC documentary on the concurrent rise of […]

  • “Comics” is not a medium, nor a mode of expression

    Academic Henry Jenkins has a couple outtakes from his book where he discuses “comics” as being a mode of expression rather than a medium, working off the McCloudian definition of […]

  • ¡Journalista! returns and school is around the corner

    Huzzah, ¡Journalista! is back online! I’d almost forgotten how amazing Dirk’s breadth in blogging is. Go read and bookmark! Lots of pre-school preparation has been going on. Yesterday I very […]

  • Comic Book Innovation

    I’ve been meaning to post a link to this site for awhile, but am now finally getting around to it… Comic Book Innovation is an interesting yet sparsely updated theory-based […]

  • A new Home Sweet Home

    After a loooooong drive from Chicago to Massachusetts, I am now finally settling in to my new apartment in Somerville, eagerly awaiting the start of school. My place is still […]

  • Wally Wood’s 22 Panels That Always Work

    It’s been interesting to see the explosion of blog entries about Joel Johnson’s buying of Wally Wood’s 22 Panels that always work. One part of me is a bit dismayed […]

  • Self-Portrait

    Amongst the chaos of packing and getting all my loose ends tied up here in Chicago before my move to Boston this week, I was able to find the time […]

  • Neil vs. The Giant

    Here’s a random post that relates to my life outside of comics/visual language (gasp!) that I thought is too cool not to post. A friend of mine has been posting […]

  • Comics and Information Design

    What with the chaos of getting ready to move, I’m going to skip updates on Meditations until I get settled into Boston in a week and a half. In the […]