
  • A User’s Guide to Thought and Meaning

    Lo and behold, I now have a new book out! My mentor, Ray Jackendoff, has a new book, A User’s Guide to Thought and Meaning, and it is chalk full of illustrations […]

  • Review: “Language of Comics” in Art of Comics

    The recent compilation, The Art of Comics edited by Aaron Meskin and Royt Cook contains several new articles on a “Philosophical Approach” to comic theory. This book tackles many interesting […]

  • Looking forward and backward

    So, after 12 years of research and 6 years of grad school, I’m proud to say that I successfully defended my dissertation yesterday and now have a PhD in Psychology […]

  • Public Defense

    For anyone in the Boston area and interested in hearing about comics and the brain, I’m defending my dissertation on Monday, and it’s open to the public. I’ll be speaking […]

  • New Article: Comics and the brain

    I have a new paper available online (pdf), and I’m proud to say that this is my first brainwave study on comics. In this paper, now published by Cognitive Psychology, we argue […]

  • Art and books you should check out

    Here’s a few links I’ve been meaning to post… First, head over to my friend Helena’s website. She’s an amazing artist, so go check out her paintings! Second, if you […]

  • Downloadable Un-Defining “Comics” article

    It’s not exactly a new article, but I realized that my article “Un-Defining ‘Comics’” from the International Journal of Comic Art way back in 2005 was not downloadable from my site. […]

  • Little busy for a bit…

    Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to blog as much as I’d like these days, and the coming months are likely to be a little quiet around here. I’m hoping to have […]

  • Eye movement in reading comics

    I’ve posted a few studies that have looked at how people’s eyes move across comic pages (here and here), and I recently found another. This short study looked at when […]

  • Attention and comic panels

    Craig Fischer has a nice article over at The Comics Journal about how panels focus attention, particularly focusing on the work of Jack Kirby. He nicely keys in on several […]