
  • Prehistoric animation?

    One of my research assistants from Tufts, Patrick Bender, sent along this link to an article that claims prehistoric cave paintings from 30,000 years ago actually featured animated figures. The […]

  • Website down…

    You’ve probably noticed the frequency of my posts increasing. Now that I’ve finished grad school, driven across America, and flown back from Japan, I’m settling into my postdoctoral fellowship at UCSD’s Center […]

  • Lecture on comics and psychology

    Here’s a lecture by psychologist Barbara Tversky about the understanding of events, spatial cognition, and comics. It’s a bit long (an hour) but worth watching. (The parts explicitly about comics […]

  • Eye-movements for comic panels vs. photos

    In the recent article, “Inferring Artistic Intention in Comic Art through Viewer Gaze,” the authors examined whether people’s eyes are more directed to parts of comic panels than they are when […]

  • Manga research meeting

    I had a great time yesterday meeting with several manga researchers in Japan at Chiba University. I got to present my work to them, and then discussed several projects by […]

  • Back to the land of manga

    It’s been 9 years since I was last here, but I just arrived in Japan for a few weeks. I’m currently in Sapporo, on the island of Hokkaido, where I’m […]

  • 10 years!

    It seems I’m always late with these notices, but as of May 31st, has been on the Internet for 10 years! I have greatly enjoyed having this outlet to […]

  • Review: Emotion in manga through loss of hands

    This paper continues Charles Forceville‘s research paradigm of looking at the metaphorical underpinnings of meaning in comics. Here, he and Michael Abbott look at a particular phenomenon in some manga where […]

  • New article: Comics, linguistics, and visual language

    I recently had a new paper published in an exciting book collection, Linguistics and the Study of Comics, edited by Frank Bramlett. The collection looks at various facets of comics […]

  • More changes

    As of yesterday I fully received my PhD (and the fancy hood!) from Tufts University. It was a long and great journey, but now it’s on to the next venture. […]