
  • Help Nalini Now

    This is not going to be your normal post on comics and visual language. This post is a plea for help from anyone who might read this blog and anyone […]

  • New article: Visual narrative structure

    I am happy to announce I have a new paper published in the journal Cognitive Science that outlines my theory of sequential image understanding. I argue that approaches like “panel […]

  • A Caveat: misunderstanding comics and the brain

    Via this article I stumbled onto this dissertation which promotes using comics in educational contexts (a topic I am very interested in). In one of the chapters of the thesis, […]

  • Hearts and bulbs

    Here’s another great recent Savage Chickens comic by Doug Savage. I’ve commented on this great strip before, and here’s another good “meta”-comic: As we all know, hearts are symbolic of […]

  • Science and Eddie Campbell’s rules of comics comprehension

    In Eddie Campbell’s recent article at The Comics Journal, he described several potential “rhetorical rules” that authors of comics can follow in order to make them more understandable to inexperienced […]

  • Fluency and dialects in understanding comics

    In a recent article at The Comics Journal, Eddie Campbell describes the challenge facing some people who “can’t understand comics,” and offers “rules of comprehension” to help aid readers along […]

  • The Principle of Equivalence

    An overarching theme across my research is the idea that the structure and cognition of drawing and sequential images is comparable to that of language. I have tried to formalize […]

  • Eye-umlauts

    Savage Chickens never seems to fail to give me a laugh. This one especially had me chuckling… The reason I liked this one so much is that it plays on a […]

  • Language and culture development

    I’ve been a big fan of Jorge Cham’s comic PhD Comics for a long time, and I’ve really been impressed with his recent foray into short educational videos. I found […]

  • Big year behind, big year ahead

    Happy New Year! Between finally finishing my PhD, moving back to California to start at research fellowship at UCSD, and being featured in a Discover Magazine article, 2012 was a big year. However, […]