
  • Complete site relaunch!

    So… you may have noticed that things look a little different around here! I have officially relaunched my website with a whole new design and new url. The address for […]

  • Comic-Con 2013

    If you’re going to Comic-Con, be sure to come by my talk on Friday July 19th at 2pm, room 26AB. I’ll be talking about some of my experiments on “Comics […]

  • ComicCon and websites

    I’ve unfortunately been very busy lately, so blogging has taken a hit unfortunately. However, a few notes about upcoming things… First, after two years away, I’ll be back speaking at […]

  • Two for No: theory in practice

    I’m happy to be able to announce that my friends Alexander Danner and Tym Godek have a new weekly comic series called “Two for No.” What makes it even more […]

  • 11 years and pretty cover

    I always seem to miss these things when they happen, but as of May 31st, my website has now been online for 11 years! The amusing thing is that as […]

  • Updates and such

    Things have been a bit busy lately, so I’ve had less time to devote to blogging (suggested topics always welcomed, FYI). I’ve been hard at work on several revisions of […]

  • CFP: Interdisciplinary approaches to visual narrative

    For those that might be interested, one of my projects is trying to organize a book summarizing important research on visual narrative. This book will be a companion volume to […]

  • Comics, games, and bad science

    I’m often very excited when I find new research on comics, especially when it’s experimental. There is so little done that it’s a treat to find something I didn’t know […]

  • New paper: Navigating Comics

    I am happy to announce I have a new paper published in the journal Frontiers in Cognitive Science that outlines a theory of how people navigate page layouts. A previous […]

  • Please help

    Just one more pleas for helping my colleague… Please watch, repost, and help us save the life of an amazing woman: