Tourist traps in comics land*: Unpublished comics research

In a series of Twitter posts, I recently reflected on the pitfalls of various comics research that hasn’t been published. Since I think it contains some valuable lessons, I’m going […]

Comic creation expertise and theory building

When I first started entering into discussions about visual language research, the fact that I actively created comics seemed like an important point that I would often stress. While I […]

Scott McCloud and the scientific method

After my talk at Comic-Con I was delighted to be able to chat with Scott McCloud for awhile. He actually came to my talk, and I think it was one […]

Spider-Man’s naughty adventures within or between panels

A friend of mine recently pointed me to an unusual debate that’s raging about a recent Spider-Man comic where Peter Parker apparently is within the mind of Dr. Octopus and […]

“Defining Comics” video

Patric Lewandowski offers this video lecture of his attempt to define comics, based on his earlier column from Comixtalk. He covers a lot of ground, meshing numerous memes of comics […]

5 Card Nancy and Panel Transitions

One of Scott McCloud’s more wacky inventions is the game Five Card Nancy which is based on the old comic strip Nancy. The basic premise of the game is that […]

(^_^) … Emoticons and the Brain

Masahide Yuasa, Keiichi Saito,Naoki Mukawa. 2006. Emoticons convey emotions without cognition of faces: an fMRI study. Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. April 22-27, 2006. Montréal, Québec, Canada Related […]

Cartoony vs. Realistic Images in the Brain

Choi, Yeojeong, Kim, Takhwan, & Jaeseung Jeong. 2008. “EEG Source Localization during Empathy of Iconic and Realistic Cartoon Characters.” Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Melbourne, Australia ,15-19 June, 2008 […]

Manga “decompression”

In Understanding Comics, McCloud made the claim that manga supposedly uses more circuitous storytelling because of the formats of their books. In my paper on Japanese VL, I dismiss this […]

Navigating page layouts = defining “comics”?

One of the topics I debated closing out my new essay on page layout (pdf) with was its relationship to McCloud’s definition of “comics.” As most know, McCloud’s definition is […]