New paper: The neurophysiology of event processing in language and visual events

In yet another one of my recent publications, here is a book chapter that’s been awaiting publication for many years. My paper with my dear departed friend, Martin Paczynski, “The […]

New paper: Not so secret agents

I’m excited to announce a new paper, “Not so secret agents: Event-related potentials to semantic roles in visual event comprehension,” in the journal Brain and Cognition. This paper was done […]

New paper: Prediction, events, and the advantage of Agents

I’m excited to say that I have a new paper out in the journal Cognitive Psychology with my good friend Martin Paczynski! This one looks specifically at the structure of events […]

Basic structures of visual language

One of the important basic tasks of doing research on the visual language used in comics is to identify the foundational components that go into our comprehension of sequential images. […]

Lecture on comics and psychology

Here’s a lecture by psychologist Barbara Tversky about the understanding of events, spatial cognition, and comics. It’s a bit long (an hour) but worth watching. (The parts explicitly about comics […]

Event segmentation in panels

I’ve been reading up lately on research related to how people segment events and their boundaries, particularly the brain areas associated with their processing through fMRI. In one study, they […]