Review: Metaphoricity of Conventionalized Diagetic Images in Comics

Michał Szawerna’s recent book Metaphoricity of Conventionalized Diegetic Images in Comics: A Study in Multimodal Cognitive Linguistics analyzes a variety of structural aspects of the visual languages of comics by […]

Review: Unflattening by Nick Sousanis

Nick Sousanis’ recent book Unflattening has been receiving praise for its freeing message and artistic execution. The book was Sousanis’ doctoral dissertation, and in being a graphic work, it thus […]

Review: Comics and Language by Hannah Miodrag

Among the many books on “comics theory” published this year, Comics and Language by Hannah Miodrag may be the most relevant for my own interests. It directly analyzes the relationship between […]

Review: Narrative Structure in Comics by Barbara Postema

Barbara Postema’s new book, Narrative Structure in Comics, joins a nice list of books on comic theory to emerge this year, and it provides some interesting analyses and insights. The book is clearly […]

Full year of comic theory books

2013 seems to be quite the year for books about theories of the comic medium! There’ve been at least four volumes that have come out this year, plus my own, […]

Review: “Language of Comics” in Art of Comics

The recent compilation, The Art of Comics edited by Aaron Meskin and Royt Cook contains several new articles on a “Philosophical Approach” to comic theory. This book tackles many interesting […]

Review: Through Navajo Eyes

I recently discovered a gem of a book called Through Navajo Eyes by Sol Worth and John Adair. This is a fascinating book from the early 1970s where the authors […]

Review: Adventures in Cartooning

Adventures in Cartooning is a fun and creative book by James Sturm and two of his graduates from the Center for Cartoon Studies, Andrew Arnold and Alexis Frederick-Frost, and published […]

Review: The Power of Comics

Duncan, Randy & Matthew J. Smith. 2009. The Power of Comics. New York: Continuum Books The Power of Comics is a recently released “first textbook ever” for “comics studies”, authored […]

Review: Drawing Words & Writing Pictures

Drawing Words and Writing Pictures by Matt Madden and Jessica Abel Before I started reading DW&WP, Matt Madden warned me that it was a book for praxis, not theory. As […]