
  • BNS, an overdue plug

    Much to my surprise, Joe Zabel gives me a little hat-tip in his excellent review of Butternutsquash over at The Webcomics Examiner. Joe makes some great observations, and I wish […]

  • “Comic” Theory 101: Seeing Rhymes

    At long last, I finally have a new “Comic” Theory 101 article up at Comixpedia. This one delves into the possibilities of “visual rhyming” and how we can play with […]

  • Manga Literacy

    I’ve made a couple additions to the Reference Bibliography, including this one: Nakazawa, Jun. 2005. Development of Manga (Comic Book) Literacy in Children. In Shwalb, David, Jun Nakazawa, Barbara (Eds). […]

  • 4 years

    I forgot to post it a few days ago, but back on Wednesday it marked the fourth anniversary of the website! Hooray! I’ve been a bit busy these days […]

  • An Inconvenient Truth

    I just saw Al Gore’s movie An Inconvenient Truth today, and man, all I can say is that everyone out there should see this movie. It is powerful, compelling, and […]

  • Was the 2004 election stolen?

    Robert Kennedy Jr.’s cover story article in this month’s Rolling Stone provides fairly overwhelming and irrefutable evidence that the winner of the 2004 presidential election was not GWB. I highly […]

  • Corporate friendster

    On his radio show today Thom mentioned this fascinating/scary site that shows the degrees of separation between board members of major corporations. If any person out there doubts that the […]

  • “Cartooning Symbolia”

    Derik points to this comic, Cartooning Symbolia, by Dash Shaw that uses Mort Walkers terms from The Lexicon of Comicana for various symbolic elements of the graphic medium. It’s an […]

  • La Belle Dame Sans Merci, Part Deux!

    So, today begins the posting of another version of the John Keats poem La Belle Dame Sans Merci. After I had done the initial version, I was reading through and […]

  • The Glass of Water Debate

    Today’s brand spankin’ new update to my Meditations is “The Glass of Water Debate”, a two-page musing on the classic idiom. So, the conclusion to this one will be online […]