
  • New Article: Visual Poetry

    Flatteringly ask and you shall receive: After a bit of a haitus, I finally have a new Comic Theory 101 article up Comixpedia entitled “Visual Poetry.” Expanding on my riff […]

  • LiwLi updated, links

    I probably won’t continue commenting for every post of my new Meditations piece “Life is where Love is,” but I’ve always loved today’s page for some reason. Maybe I just […]

  • Grab Bag Comics

    Back in like February of this year when I was living in Chicago, I went out to mail a package at the local UPS store. I happened to be mailing […]

  • More on LiwLi

    So, with this latest post of my new Meditations story “Life is where Love is,” I figured I should fill in a bit more info about it. The piece was […]

  • CCS trip

    Today I made my trip up to Vermont to talk with the fine folks at the Center for Cartoon Studies. It was quite fun, and gave me a nice break […]

  • New Comic: Life is where Love is

    At long last since the start of grad school, I’ve got a new (old) comic up at my Webcomicsnation Meditations series. Despite the somewhat corny title, this is actually the […]

  • Links of note

    Rob Vollmar has posted another installment of his “Rage of Angels” essays. This one examines some of Outcault’s Hogan’s Alley works. While I’m fairly ambivilent to historical-literary analyses of these […]

  • New toy!

    Despite being a vacuum of Free Time, Grad School does seem to have its perks. Take for instance the brand spankin’ new Macbook that my (three!) advisors all pitched in […]

  • Talk at Center for Cartoon Studies Oct 26th

    One of the great new things I’m discovering about living in New England is that lots of cool stuff is all close together (coming from California, nothing is close together). […]

  • You can take the man out of Berkeley, but…

    Sometimes I really miss my alma mater. Tonight our Golden Bear football team crushed Oregon as I watched with the New England Alums, and there was this great quote at […]