
  • Brainwaves for non-sequitur visual sequences

    Here is another repost of a review I did awhile ago (1/22/09). This study examines the neurocognitive processes involved with comprehending a series of pictures, like in comics. The experimenters […]

  • I own a metaphor!

    I am now the proud owner of an original piece of Drew Weing art! Drew is selling pieces from his excellent works,and I chose this one: I like this one […]

  • Taking a year off

    Astute followers of this website will have noticed a conspicuous lack of an announcement of my ComicCon talk this year. In fact, I am taking a break from the Con […]

  • Looking at Comics in the Brain with Lasers!

    Nagai, Masayoshi, Nobutaka Endo, and Kumada Takatsune. 2007. “Measuring Brain Activities Related to Understanding Using near-Infrared Spectroscopy (Nirs).” In Human Interface and the Management of Information: Methods, Techniques and Tools […]

  • 9 years… 1 to go?

    As of May 31st, this website has now been up for 9 years! Woo! A couple notes… Yesterday I formally proposed my dissertation, which means I am hopefully on track […]

  • “180º Rule”… not so much

    This is a review of an experiment that tests the “180º Rule” of film editing using eye movements, and finds that no evidence for negative cognitive effect is found. The […]

  • Cross-cultural cognition via French Comic Translation Censorship?

    I recently found this very interesting post about the “censorship” of French translations of Marvel Comics. Apparently this will be a chapter in a new book, but the examples they […]

  • Summer in spring!

    As of Friday, I have officially entered Summer Break (here in a very rainy New England Spring), which means I’m hoping to have lots of interesting projects going soon. One […]

  • Comics as a Binary Language

    The paper “The Comic as a Binary Language” by J. Laraudogoitia examines the structure of comics by converting the contents of panels into binary code. Coding a broad number of […]

  • Deaf Comics

    I have always wanted to learn sign language, and my labmate, who is an interpreter, recently began teaching me American Sign Language. It’s been very fun to finally be learning […]