
  • Fast Co.Design article

    Fast Company magazine’s Co.Design site has a write up of my research over at their site. The article focuses mostly on my “(Pea)nuts and bolts of visual narrative” article from […]

  • VLOC released in Europe!

    The day has finally come…My new book The Visual Language of Comics is now available for sale in Europe! My publisher (Bloomsbury) has an interview with me over at their blog […]

  • Violating comics… for science!

    Every now and then, I see or receive commentary from people about my studies where they object to some of the stimuli in my experiments. They exclaim things like, “But, actual […]

  • Guardian Article

    David Robson discusses my research and my upcoming book, The Visual Language of Comics (out in less than 2 weeks in the UK!) in a new article for the UK’s Guardian newspaper. He interestingly ties […]

  • Review: Indonesian manga analysis

    I recently found this interesting paper, “Impacts of manga on Indonesian readers’ self-efficacy and behavior intentions to imitate its visuals,” that attempts to dissect the factors influencing why Indonesian comic fans […]

  • Tufts Magazine

    The latest issue of Tufts Magazine has a nice write up about my talk from this year’s Comic-Con. Go check it out!

  • Coming soon…

    My first printed copy of my upcoming book arrived in the mail today! The book looks beautiful inside and out, and it makes me even more excited in anticipation for […]

  • New Paper: Beyond Speech Balloons and Thought Bubbles

    I’m pleased to announce that my paper, “Beyond Speech Balloons and Thought Bubbles,” (PDF) has now been published in the journal Semiotica. The paper dissects the ways in which text […]

  • Review: Comics and Language by Hannah Miodrag

    Among the many books on “comics theory” published this year, Comics and Language by Hannah Miodrag may be the most relevant for my own interests. It directly analyzes the relationship between […]

  • Programming with Grawlixes

    Marc van Elburg has sent along a paper he’s written about “grawlixes,” which are the random symbols used often in comics to omit profanity, like $#!+! You can read his […]