
  • Travel plans and Mailbag

    I leave for my upcoming Germany trip on Monday! I’m very excited about the workshops and can’t wait to jump into them. As it turns out, I’ve been invited to […]

  • Coming soon to Germany…

    I’m very excited that my workshops in Germany are only a month away! I’ll first be making a stop at Saarland University for a talk about the structure of events  […]

  • Visual Language research galore!

    Can I brag for a moment? Not about me, really, but about my students! This quarter I’m teaching a course on the “Cognition of Comics” for the UCSD Cognitive Science […]

  • Post-talk and new Spanish article

    Thanks to everyone who came out to hear my talk at WonderCon on Sunday! I got great questions and really enjoyed the discussion after the talk with people who hung […]

  • Wondercon and updates

    Just a reminder that I’ll be speaking at WonderCon in Anaheim this weekend! My talk on the Cognition  of Comics is going to be at 11:30 on Sunday. Hope to […]

  • The Visual Language Fluency Index

    One of the interesting findings throughout many of my experiments is that the comprehension of sequential images seems to be modulated by participants’ “comic reading expertise.” These effects are predicted […]

  • Classes, speaking, and books… oh my!

    I’m currently enjoying getting work done on my spring break, and have lots of fun news to report! 1. Classes! First, I just completed grading the final exams for my […]

  • June workshops in Germany!

    I’m excited to announce that I have several upcoming appearances in Germany this June! It looks like I’ll be having two main open workshops… The first will be at the […]

  • New article: Framing “I can’t draw”

    I’m happy to say that I have a new article (pdf) published in the journal Culture & Psychology! This one continues with my theories about how people learn how to […]

  • Towards a visual sociolinguistics

    I’ve heard some people complain that a “language” approach to drawings and sequential images is overly formal and washes out the ability to talk about socio-cultural issues. I actually think […]